Carousel Skin In Post Blocks Adv

With the Post block Adv widget, you can display the custom post types and taxonomies inside a Carousel layout. When selecting the Carousel under the skin, you will get more setting options.



  • Skin: Select Carousel under the skin option
  • Primary Block Layout: Select the block layout created to render the post blocks

AE-Post Blocks Adv: Layout Settings


  • Source: Select the source of the Post type to be fetched. The source can be a post, page, or custom post type, or you can manually select the post.

    Taxonomy Query

    • Taxonomies: Select the taxonomy terms to filter posts based on Categories, Tags, and Formats.
    • Relation: Select a relation to Any One Term or All Terms
    • Author: Select the name of the author whose post you want to Include or Exclude

      Date Query

    • Date: You can display posts for a specific time period
    • Order By: In this, you can order your post in a certain manner. You can use different options like Date, Title, etc., to filter your post.
    • Order: It sorts your post in ascending or descending order based on the criteria selected in the Order By option.
    • Exclude Current Post: Enable it if you do not want to display your latest post in the block.
    • Order By: In this, you can order your post in a certain manner. You can use different options like Date, Title, etc., to filter your post.
    • Post Count: You can use the Post Count option to display a specific number of posts on a single page. It takes a numeric value that signifies the number of posts to be displayed at a time. 
    • Ignore Sticky Posts: You can use this to ignore sticky posts.
    • Offset: Use this setting to skip over posts (e.g., "2" to skip over 2 posts)
    • Query Filter: Here, you can add your own custom code to filter the posts. Know more about the Query Filter
    • Enable Sales Badge: Enable this option if you want to add the Sales badge when listing WooCommerce products.

AE-Post Blocks Adv: Query Settings


  • Effects: Choose how each slide transitions, either Slide, Fade, Overflow, or Flip
  • Slides Per View: Set the number of slides to view at one time, a maximum of 10
  • Slides Per Group: Set the number of slides to scroll per swipe, a maximum of 10
  • Speed: Set the time it takes for each slide to appear. This time is in milliseconds, so 1000 ms is equal to 1 second.
  • Autoplay: Enable to apply autoplay to the slides
  • SpaceBetween Slides: Set the time between each slide. 
  • Loop: Show the carousel in a continuous loop, infinitely. Yes or No
  • Auto Height: Enable to set the auto height to the carousel
  • Pause On Hover: Enable this to pause the slide on hover.
  • Pagination Type: Select None, Bullet, Fraction, or Progress
  • Scroll Bar: Enable the scroll bar
  • Enable: Enable to apply navigation controls to the carousel
    • Position: Set the position Inside or Outside
    • Icon Prev: Select an icon for the previous navigation button
    • Icon Next: Select an icon for the next navigation button
    • Horizontal Position: Select the horizontal position for the navigation icons left, center, or right
    • Vertical Position: Select the vertical position for the navigation icons top, middle, or bottom

AE-Post Blocks Adv: Carousel Settings


Copy this widget ID and paste it into the AE- Trigger widget to add trigger actions for the Carousel layout.

AE-Post Blocks Adv: Triggers Settings

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