AE - Post Blocks Adv

The AE - Post Block Adv widget gives you more advanced features and the options to filter your posts, custom post types, and taxonomies. This widget is an advanced version of our widget AE - Post Blocks. In the advanced post block widget, you will get multiple layout styles like Grid, Carousel, and Accordion to display your posts in a different style. 

More enhanced filters are available to filter out your post and taxonomies based on multiple relations and conditions.



  • Skin: Select the layout style for the post blocks like Grid, Carousel, or Accordion.
  • Primary Block Layout: Select the block layout created to render the post block widget.
  • Show Filter Bar: Enable displaying a filter bar at the top to filter posts based on categories and tags.
  • Grid Layout: Select the Grid style like List, Smart Grid, Checker Board.
  • Masonry: It is used to represent images seamlessly.
  • Infinite Scroll: The Infinite scroll option loops the posts slides infinitely. 
  • Pagination: Choose how you wish to paginate the results. It further gives more options.
  • Loading Overlay: Enable to add an overlay effect on page load
  • Column Gap: Set the exact gap between the columns
  • Row Gap: Set the amount of gap between rows. 

AE Post Block Adv: Layout Settings


  • Source: Select the source of the Post type to be fetched. The source can be a post, page, custom post type, or you can manually select the post.
  • Taxonomy Query
    • Taxonomies: Select the taxonomy terms to filter posts based on Categories, Tags, and Formats.
    • Relation: Select relation to Any One Term, or All Terms
    • Author: Select the name of the author whose post you want to Include or Exclude
  • Date Query
    • Date: You can display posts for a specific time period
    • Order By: In this, you can order your post in a certain manner. You can use different options like Date, Title, etc., to filter your post.
    • Order: It sort your post in ascending or descending order based on the criteria selected in the Order By option.
    • Exclude Current Post: Enable it if you do not want to display your latest post in the block.
    • Order By: In this, you can order your post in a certain manner. You can use different options like Date, Title, etc., to filter your post.
    • Post Count: You can use the Post Count option to display a specific number of posts on a single page. It takes a numeric value which signifies the number of posts to be displayed at a time. 
    • Offset: Use this setting to skip over posts (e.g., "2" to skip over 2 posts)
    • Query Filter: Here, you can add your own custom code to filter the posts

AE Post Block Adv: Query Settings


  • Enable it to apply FacetWP filtering.

AE Post Block Adv: FacetWP Settings


If you have selected the Pagination option in the layout, then you have more settings available.

  • Show Pagination: Enable/Disable pagination
  • Show Prev/Next: Choose whether to show previous-next links at the beginning and end of pagination.
  • Disable Ajax: Enable it you want to use ajax.
  • Previous Text: Text to show on the previous link.
  • Next Text: Text to show on the next link.
  • Page Limit: Specify the number of pages to be shown in pagination.
  • Alignment: Alignment of pagination.

AE Post Block Adv: Pagination Settings


You will get more options if you enable the Show Filter option.

  • Taxonomy: Here, you can select the taxonomy name you want to display on the filter bar. All your created Taxonomies list is displayed, from which you can choose.
  • Default Term: Select the default filter menu item.
  • Exclude Term: Enter the names of the custom taxonomies and terms you want to exclude from the filters.
  • Order By: Set order of the filter menu items, based on name, term your post in a certain manner. You can use different options like Date, Title, etc., to filter your post.
  • Order: Sort the filters in ascending or descending order based on the Order By option criteria.
  • Only Parent: Enable it to include only the parent items
  • Show All: Enable to display an All button on the filter bar.
  • Tab 'Alt' Text:  Here, you can assign a name to the Show Alt-tab.
  • Collapse Filter: Enable it to collapse the menu items
  • Collapse After: Set the numeric count after which to add the Collapse menu.
  • Collapse Text: Assign text to the collapse button
  • Icon: Add an icon to the collapse menu
  • Enable Hashtags in Filters: Creates unique URLs that can open specific filter tabs on load.
    • Fragment: On enabling Hashtags, clicking on the filter will update the URL without updating the page.

AE Post Block Adv: Filters Settings


When the Overlay option is enabled, you get more settings.

  • Icon: Select an icon to be used for the overlay effect
  • Text: Enter the text to be displayed along with an icon on the overlay
  • Animate: Enable to apply animation on the icon
  • Horizontal: Set horizontal alignment for the overlay icon
  • Vertical:  Set vertical alignment for the overlay icon
  • Horizontal Offset: Adjust the horizontal offset 
  • Vertical Offset: Adjust the vertical offset 
  • Preview Overlay: Enable it to preview the overlay effect

AE Post Block Adv: Overlay Settings

Infinite Scroll

On enabling the Infinite Scroll option in the Layout tab, you will get these extra setting options:

  • Last Page Text: Enter the text to be displayed when you reach the last page.
  • Load With Button: Enable it to display a button at the bottom of the posts
  • Button Text: Enter the text for the button
  • Offset Page: Set the offset to skip over pages
  • Disable History: Enable to disable the last viewed  history

AE Post Block Adv: Infinite Scroll Settings


You will get more customized options to configure the Post Blocks for WooCommerce specific pages.

  • Featured Only: Enable it to display only the featured products in post blocks.
  • Hide Out of Stock: Enable this to hide the out-of-stock items displayed inside the post blocks.
  • Enable Sales Badge: To add a sales badge on products, enable this option.
    • Type: Choose the layout style for the sales badge like a Ribbon, Badge, or a Custom Image.
    • Source: Select the source as Default or get data from Custom Field.
    • Title: Enter the title to be displayed on the badge.
    • Prefix: Add text to display before the title text.
    • Suffix: Add text to display after the Title text.
    • Horizontal Position: Adjust the horizontal positioning of the Badge like left or right.

AE Post Block Adv: WooCommerce Settings

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