Creating Post Slider/Carousel using AnyWhere Elementor Pro
You can use the Advance Post Blocks widget to create the Post Slider.
The process of creating a Post Slider using the Post Block Adv widget includes 2 stages.
- Preparing the design of the individual slide (using Block Layout)
- Use the Block layout created in the step above to create a Post Slider or even a carousel.
Preparing the layout of a Single Slide
Here is a sample slide layout for reference. It includes a Post Title, a Post Excerpt, and a Read More button.
Follow the steps below to design a block layout (layout for a Slide)
- Go to AE Template -> Add New.
- Add a suitable title and do the configuration as mentioned below.
- Render Mode: Block Layout
Preview Post: Select a post that you want to see as a preview while designing the layout in the Editor.
- Also, select Template as "Elementor Canvas" so that you will get the plain canvas to design the layout.
- Now click on "Edit with Elementor" to design this layout in the Elementor editor.
- In Elementor, drag widgets Title, Post Excerpt, and Post Readmore. Place them and design as per your layout.
- You can add featured images to the section background.
Give proper height, and padding to the main section of the slider. Make sure to design it all in one main section and used a child section or columns as required.
- Once it is complete, then save, and you can now exit this editor.
- It's half done. You have completed designing the layout of a slide for your Post Slider.
Adding Post Slider to your Page/Post
- Open the page on which you want to add Post Slider in Elementor editor mode.
- Drag AE - Post Blocks Adv widget at the desired location in your layout.
- Under the "Layout" section, define the way you want to display your posts.
- There are multiple options available like Grid, List & Carousel.
- Now you will select the Block layout you have created under the Block Layout dropdown.
- For Slider, you will have to select the Carousel and set the number of slides below to 1.
Then under the "Query" section, you have to define the Source for the posts to be displayed inside the blocks.
- You can display posts from Post, Page, Custom Post types, Current Archives, etc.
- There are more advanced conditions to filter the source data.
Once you have selected Carousel as the layout, you will see another section below, "Carousel." There you will get many other options to configure the carousel (like speed, navigation controls, effects, etc. )
- Configure these options as per your requirement. You will also get many styling options under the Style tab to change the color and size of slider controls.