AE - Dynamic Map
AE - Dynamic Map widget allows you to build a Google map from Custom Field and ACF Map Field. It lets you add and link markers directly from custom post types. Additionally, using Dynamic Maps, you can add your custom layouts to style the info window and marker listing.
Data Source
- Map Type: Google Map
- Map Source: Select the data source for map locations like the Current Post, Post Query, and Repeater fields.
- Field: Select the field type, a Custom Field, or an ACF map field.
- Field Key: Enter the field name or slug.
- No Data Found Message: Custom message to display if map data is not found.
Map Options
- Height: Set the height of the map.
- Background Color: Choose a background color.
- Map Type Id: Select map type - Roadmap, Satellite, hybrid and terrain.
- Zoom: Set the zoom level of the map.
- Disable Default UI: Enable it to disable the default Google Maps UI.
- Clickable Icon: Toggle to disable the clickable feature
- Street View Control: Toggle to enable the Street View controls like
- Map Type Control Show or hide the map type control on the map.
- Zoom: Show or hide to display the zoom control on the map
- Full-Screen Control: Show or hide the full-screen control on the map
- Gesture Handling: Select gesture types to be applied on the map.
- Disable the double click zoom: Disable the zoom on double click.
Map Marker
- Click Action: Select the action to be performed when the marker is clicked. Choose Info window to open on marker click or open post on click.
- Info Window Type: Choose a default layout or a created block layout.
- Marker Type: Choose a default marker style or an icon or image. You can also display a dynamic marker using the custom field slug.
- Animation: Select an animation effect for your markers.
- Clusters: Useful if you have many number markers, as it makes it earlier for visitors to understand the map as a whole.
- Marker Listing: Enable to list markers in a grid or carousel layout.
Marker Listing
If the marker listing option is enabled, you will see additional settings to list out the markers in a grid or carousel.
- Layout: Choose the marker listing style like in a Grid or carousel.
- Block Layout: Select the layout created to list the markers.
- Listing Position: Set the position for displaying the marker list like top or bottom of the map or left, right.
- Width: Set the listing width
- Height: Adjust the list height.
- Responsive: Enable to apply responsive mode.
- Device: Add responsive devices like mobiles and tablets.
- Show Lists: A link name to open the list.
- Close List. Link to Close the list.
- Alignment: Adjust the alignment of the show List button.
- List Marker Sync: Enable to display markers in Sync.
Map Style
If you wish to give your map a different style, paste any Snazzy Map style here.
Widget Title
- Title: Enter the map title
- HTML tag: Choose the HTML tag to render the title
- Alignment: Set alignment for the title text
Post Query
If the Map Source is Post Query, there are some additional settings to filter out your post data.
- Source: Select the source of the Post type to be fetched. The source can be a post, page, or custom post type, or you can manually select the post.
- Taxonomy Query
- Taxonomies: Select the taxonomy terms to filter posts based on Categories, Tags, and Formats.
- Relation: Select relation to Any One Term or All Terms.
- Author: Select the author's name whose post you want to Include or Exclude.
- Date Query
- Date: You can display posts for a specific period.
- Order By: In this, you can order your post in a particular manner. You can use different options like Date, Title, etc., to filter your post.
- Order: It sorts your post in ascending or descending order based on the criteria selected in the Order By option.
- Exclude Current Post: Enable it if you do not want to display your latest post in the block.
- Order By: In this, you can order your post in a particular manner. You can use different options like Date, Title, etc., to filter your post.
- Post Count: You can use the Post Count option to display a specific number of posts on a single page. It takes a numeric value that signifies the number of posts to be displayed.
- Offset: Use this setting to skip over posts (e.g., "2" to skip over 2 posts).
- Query Filter: You can add your custom code to filter the posts here.