Creating a Repeater Block Layout in AnyWhere Elementor Pro
Repeater block layout is required in AE - ACF Repeater widget. It is used as a template for rendering an individual repeater item.
Follow the instructions below to create a Repeater Block Layout.
- Go to AE Templates -> Add New and create a new AE Template.
- Now under AnyWhere Elementor Setting, do the following configuration.
- Render Mode: ACF Blocks (Repeater/Flexible)
- Field Location: Select if the repeater field is applied on a Post or an Option Page
- Field Type: Select the Repeater field option
- Preview Post: Select a post to be used as a preview while designing a layout in the Elementor editor.
- Repeater Field(ACF): Select either the parent Repeater or Nested Repeater name for which you are designing this layout.
- Then Save the template and edit it with Elementor.
Final Result
Here is the final look when you use the repeater block layout in the AE- ACF Repeater widget.