Using ACF Radio Button Field in AnyWhere Elementor Pro
To display data from ACF Radio Button Field, you will have to use AE - ACF Field widget
You can display data from single select as well as multi-select fields.
Note: The same process applies for ACF Select Fields, Checkbox Fields, and Button Group Fields
Widget Settings
- Field Type: To display the data from ACF Radio Button Field, it should be set to Radio Button.
- Source: Select from where you want to fetch the data.
- Post Field: Retrieve data from the Post Fields. (To be used in Post/CPT singular template. It can also be used in designing loop - in Block Layouts for Post Block widget.)
- Term Field: Displays data from Term Fields (To be used on Taxonomy Archive Templates)
- User: Select this to display data from User meta fields. (To be used on Author Archive Templates)
- Option: Use this to display data from the Options page.
- Parent Field Name: Select only if the field belongs to an of the parent field like the repeater field, group field, or flexible field. On selecting the parent field, you need to select the parent field name.
- Field: Field name/slug.
- Display Data: Choose where you want to display Key or Label for the selected options.
Show All Options/Choices: Enable this to display all the options along with the selected option(s). Unselected options will be displayed as strike-out text by default. You can alter this by changing its style from the dedicated options given under the Styles tab.
- Layout: Choose Vertical (list) or Horizontal layout.
- Align Horizontal alignment.
- Icon: Icon to be displayed before the Checked/Selected option.
- Icon (Unchecked): Icon to be displayed before the Unchecked/Non Selected option.
- Divider: Enable divider line in between multiple items. You will get more styling options for the divider under the Style Tab.
- Separator: Instead of standard divider lines, you can also place your own separator like a comma, slash, etc. Just type the required separator.