Using ACF True False Field Type in AnyWhere Elementor Pro

ACF True False Fields can be used using the  AE - ACF Fields widget.

It gives you the option to conditionally display the message/content based on the True and False values of the field. 

Widget Settings

AE-ACF Fields:General Settings

  • Field Type: To display the data from ACF Select Field, it should be set to Select.
  • Source: Select from where you want to fetch the data. 
    1. Post Field: Retrieve data from the Post Fields. (To be used in Post/CPT singular template. It can also be used in designing loop - in Block Layouts for Post Block widget.)
    2. Term Field: Displays data from Term Fields (To be used on Taxonomy Archive Templates)
    3. User: Select this to display data from User meta fields. (To be used on Author Archive Templates) 
    4. Option: Use this to display data from the Options page.

  • Parent Field Name: Select only if the field belongs to one of the parent fields, like the repeater field, group field, or flexible field. On selecting the parent field, you need to select the parent field name.
  • Field: Field name/slug
  • True Message: Message to display if field value is True
  • False Message: Message to display if field value is False

Separate styling options are available under the Style tab for True and False case content.

True Message & False Message Field also supports shortcodes.

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