Display posts from ACF Reverse Relationship using Post Blocks Adv widget

Before configuring the Post Blocks Adv widget, let's first see what actually is a Reverse Relationship?

Let's consider an example of Books and Authors. One Author can write many books. Similarly, a book can be written by more than one Author. Therefore, we can set up a direct relationship between Books and Authors and can display the details. But what if you want to display the details of all the books written by a specific author on the Author Detail page? We can get data for this reverse query using the Reverse Relationship feature.

This will require you to create a Relationship Field for Post/Page/CPT using the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin. 

You can find more details about the ACF - Relationship Field here

Follow the steps below to show Posts from Reverse Relationships on a Single Post Layout. Drag the "AE - Post Block Adv" widget to the desired location in your AE Template. Do the following configuration: 

Under the Layout Section:

Under the Query Section, do the following configuration.

  • Source: Relationship
  • Relationship Field: Name of the Relationship Field that you have created in ACF.

    Add the Relationship Field Name

  • Also, set "Return Format" to "Post ID." By default, it is set to Post Object. 

    Select Return Format

  • Reverse Relation: Enable the Reverse Relation option, to get reverse relationship data.
  • Do rest of the settings like order by, layouts, etc., as required.
  • See the following screenshot for the configuration setup.

Enable Reverse Relation

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